Growing Through Letters and Stories

Literacy in Early Childhood at CreaNova School.

By Elisabet Fernández

Tutor of the Miró Group

At CreaNova School, we understand that literacy is much more than learning to read and write. It is a fundamental tool for children to explore the world, develop their creativity, and build their first connections with the community around them. For this reason, we follow an approach that respects individual rhythms and turns learning into an exciting and meaningful experience. We take advantage of children’s natural interest in literacy to provide them with what they need to develop this skill.

An Environment That Invites Discovery:
From the moment children enter the Montessori room, they encounter a carefully prepared space designed to stimulate their curiosity. Manipulative materials, reading corners, and other activities are crafted to allow children to engage with sounds and, subsequently, letters and words in a natural and playful way. Daily activities are accompanied by cards featuring key words, images, pictograms, and games that seamlessly integrate literacy into their everyday routine.

Respecting Individual Rhythms:
Every child is unique, and so is their learning process. When they arrive at school, reference adults conduct careful observation to identify each child’s motor skills and phonological awareness. This allows us to provide motivating activities and materials tailored to their pace. Additionally, a solid foundation in fine motor skills is essential. Working and playing with their hands is crucial for developing strength and precision, which we achieve through everyday activities and Montessori materials. Tasks such as using tweezers, building blocks, transferring water, or cleaning with brushes are key for developing fine motor skills, facilitating a proper pencil grip, and ensuring a firm, controlled stroke.

A well-prepared environment and activities that enhance phonological awareness are also essential. Activities such as finding rhymes, identifying words with similar sounds, or emphasizing the sounds in the environment serve as precursors to the phonetic construction of words. During the early years of Early Childhood Education, our goal is to strengthen sound recognition and the association of sounds with corresponding letters while also building strength and control in their hands.

How Do We Do It?
At CreaNova School, play is the primary vehicle for learning. Through phonological games, songs, rhymes, and dramatizations, children begin to identify sounds and associate them with letters. This sensory and fun approach not only makes learning easier but also fosters a love for words from an early age.

The materials in the Montessori room are designed to address various essential aspects of children’s holistic development. The presentation of these materials by teachers is critical for their effective use. Once introduced, students can independently access them during free movement moments in the room. The order of presentation is important: we start from the sensory world, which involves broad movements, toward the abstract, which requires more precise control with paper and pencil. For instance, children first trace the shape of the letter «A» using sandpaper letters, guiding their fingers along its contours. Next, they construct an «A» using various materials (Lego, wooden pieces, soil, spaghetti, etc.) to internalize its shape abstractly. Finally, they transfer this «A» onto paper using a pencil or other materials.

The daily storytime is an essential tool for introducing phonological awareness and sparking interest in literature. This much-anticipated moment for the children also helps establish routines, as it marks the start of afternoon activities. Songs and musical moments also emphasize the surrounding sounds, helping children associate sounds with images, letters, or symbols.

From the beginning, literacy in Early Childhood is introduced with uppercase letters, and gradually, depending on each child’s progress, lowercase or cursive letters are introduced. When a child has mastered the association between phonemes and letters and writes words fluently, we start introducing basic spelling rules, such as differentiating between «C» and «QU.» The initial goal is to build confidence in this abstract way of thinking about sounds, enabling them to write phonetically with security.

Families: A Fundamental Pillar
We believe learning is not confined to the classroom. Therefore, we involve families in the literacy process by providing resources and activities to continue exploring at home. Special workshops, family storytime sessions, and visits are just some initiatives that foster collaboration between school and home.

Planting the Seeds of a Love for Reading
Our goal is not only for children to learn to read and write but also to develop a positive and lasting bond with sounds, words, and books. We want every story read, every poem recited, and every word written to open doors to new worlds, ideas, and dreams.

At CreaNova School, literacy in Early Childhood is not just a learning process; it is an adventure that children embark on with enthusiasm and joy. Because we understand that letters and words are the foundation of a meaningful and fulfilling education.

Infant Community

Primeros pasos

Infant Community

De 0 a 3 años


Descubre y


De 3 a 10 años


Creciendo con


De 10 a 12 años


Exploración y


De 12 a 15 años


Preparados para
el futuro


De 15 a 17 años
CreaNova Forma 1


Jornada de Puertas Abiertas

Inscripciones Abiertas – Plazas Limitadas
