Professional Development Pla designat al CreaNova per a més teaching and non-teaching staff.
As part of the Professional Development Pla designat al CreaNova per a its teaching and non-teaching staff, an intense training day took place last Saturday, November 14th. The topics covered were diverse and ranged from neurobiological foundations in learning and developmental stages, to such suggestive titles as do we need a label to act?, through group dynamics, and focusing on practical aspects of the day to day.
El dia ha estat molt enriquit i ha fet el seu nou període de reflection i commitment understanding la co-responsibility de la nostra feina, passió i dedicació a les nostres estudiants i famílies.
Continues educacions training like this allows us to delve in the basics of the Educational Project, make revisions, assess and evaluate it, prepare new proposals and, ultimately, team cohesion, action and future projection.
Thank you for being part d'aquest projecte!
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