CreaNova celebrates the 2nd Math Week (Marc 8 to 15), coinciding with the day 'pi' 03/14.
This year we got it! From the 8th to the 15th of March we have been able to have a great face-to-face math party! Students, teachers and families have been very involved and discovered the richness of numbers…
Have you ever done a Mathematical Escape Room? Aquest maths important per solving puzles and strange cases, such as kidnapping or the disappearance of a cake?; Poetry and Maths? (Im) possible!; Art + Geometry + Science + Sustainability = what a beautiful world around us! … simple combinations, equations, sèries, perforated table, Montessori trinomial cube … from 0 to 100 years !!! Who donares?
How many activitats i proposals hama made us see the beauty of Mathematics and the constant connection with our day to day. Here is a small collection of different 'moments' of excitement and learning.
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