Week 3 of Summer Campus… imagination through technology!
Within the CreaNova Educational Project, l'àrea de Science and Technology has de veure molt important role en l'objectiu d'itself i it és per a aquest reason que, durant el lletra, we have continued to show aquest inquisitive and creative spirit.
Trial-error, manipulació, experiència i practice són els keys per adquirir meaningful learning per a students i understanding the basics of coding allows to structure our mind and face decision-making from another perspective.
Thinking abou how we can put a peu de cardboard, s wheel and moving string, means implementing various strategies and points of view until we reach a final solution…
Aquests dies wanted to go further and work on the principle of Archimedes, fluid mechanics, hydraulics and pneumatics through the Heron Fountain; the Leonardo da Vinci's Dome and Bridge have led us to delve deeper into physics, mathematics, and technology; approached Art s strings i generació conicsl i finalment we got a tast de mechanical engineering and coding with 4wheel car construction and the great robot battle!
Només per a imatges que oferim, vostè és quickly intuit a reconèixer que l'esperit científic-tecnològic dels participants en el CreaNova STE (A) M Summer Camp continus, full of excitement and curiosity … CONGRATULATIONS technolovers !!!
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