Felicitas Arias tells us how to 'control' the time in the world!

Felicita Arias y la hora del mundo - 2021 - Col·legi CreaNova Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)

Felicites Arias, el patró de temps, has de fer-vos reflectir en la mesura i storage of it.

We start this New Year 2022 remembering that we finish the 1st time travelling in time ... be the works The Persistence of Memory, by Salvador Dalí or Around the World in 80 Days, by Jules Verne ... Felicitas Arias, the patron of time, has made us reflecteix on la mesura i storage of it.

Felicita Arias y la hora del mundo - 2021 - Col·legi CreaNova Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)

With degree in Astronomy from the National University of La Plata (UNLP) i doctorat in Astrometry, Celestial Mechanics and Geodesy from the Paris Observatory, s'directirà per a més de 20 anys a l'International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIMP) que provides la international time reference.

En aquest intergovernmental body, en la regulació de les físiques i les chemickes measurements worldwide, felicitats directed the time, frequency and gravimetry section, i coordinada les activitats per establir international time reference from 1999 to 2017. For eighteen coordinat l'activitat de vuit-tres instituts distribuïts entre el món, el qual operat més de 500 atomic clocks i permanentment send data to determini Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Impressive, right? We are still speechless by its also didactic presentation and simplicity s which it has transmitit les seves great discoveries to us. Just with a simple clic vostè can delve int ell research and discoveries and, above all, you will observe la seva passió from inspiració when she was a child thanks to uncle when was fond of astronomical observation que taught her to 'look' at the sky.

Felicita Arias y la hora del mundo - 2021 - Col·legi CreaNova Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)

From Galileu Galilei, Huyggens, John Harrison, Royal Greenwich Observatory i Buenos Aires Naval Observatory a Cesium-133… de Sky to the Atom!
Mobile telephony, satellites, global positioning systems such as GPS, Glonass, Galileo i Beidou o communication through the Internet, requereix la synchronizació de clocks throughout the world… amazing!

Arias tells us that “basically, per al nostre dia a dia, havent second added every one, 2 or 3 years, is simple imperceptible: it would accumulate 1 hour of delay every 7,200 years! Amb la tecnologia actual, no és punt d'admetre que el second, no és més que això té problemes amb aquestes solucions.» what do you think? 🙂

Thank you, Congratulations, for this great day among us!

Felicita Arias y la hora del mundo - 2021 - Col·legi CreaNova Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)

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