Summer Camps at CreaNova…3 weeks, 4 Camps!

Summer Camps 2022 - Col·legi CreaNova learning by doing - Sant Cugat - Barcelona

Who said that in summer you cannot continue learning? Who says ‘learning’ is boring?

Just look at the faces of the children who have participated in the CreaNova Summer Camps…curious faces, shining eyes, bright minds and smiling all the time…what a great time we have had!

Cooking is easy!

The first week we were able to make good recipes by learning the best combination of foods, their energy value, their composition, the correct nutritional balance of a diet, etc. With the collaboration of MyGranChef we prepare a lot of very diverse dishes: beet hummus, meatballs with carrot and pea cream, guacamole, poached eggs, walnut bread, fruit smoothies…strawberry mille-feuille with pastry cream…Mmmmm…!!!

Acting & Dancing is great!

We dedicated the second week to the Musical Performance & Drama, carrying out a small show inspired by the book «Giraffes cannot dance» by A. Gilas. Associating the music to the different parts of the story and focusing on the type of environment that existed. We have been exchanging roles and together we have interpreted the different animals and we have danced various styles: the waltz, rock’n’roll, tango, cha-cha-cha and even a traditional Scottish dance!
We enjoyed the beauty of the quality and energy of the moments lived full of lightness, elegance, flexibility and fun.
Also, all together we prepared the sets and costumes, as well as the makeup… What a lot of creativity!
With the performance of the show for families we enjoyed a great premiere on stage!

How do we mix Robotics and Permaculture?

During our last summer camp we have taken full advantage of the fusion between permaculture and technology. We created different types of irrigation systems (by capillarity with threads or fabrics, by evaporation, different pressures, etc.), and we have put them into practice, placing them in our orchard. Amazing and effective!
Together we have created the space for our fall planting season, we have cleaned the different areas. We also made use of the brightness of Leonardo Da Vinci for the construction of a bridge at the entrance of the orchard!
Talking about plants, we have seen how we can grow a new one from a small part of the original plant.
From the coding we made designs of robots and automatic sowing and tilling machines… amazing!
We marked the way for ‘climbing’ plants and we have been able to see the qualities of aromatic plants, including lavender…what a nice smell!
And…finally…we have eaten tomatoes…from the plant to the plate…what luxury!

A wonderful week! And watering the plants… we have also soaked ourselves and thus we have been very fresh!

You have a good example of this great start to the summer with the Campus that we have celebrated through these beautiful and fun images… Thank you all for your participation. HAVE A NICE & FUN..TASTIC SUMMER!

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Infant Community

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Infant Community

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Descobreix i


De 3 a 10 anys


Creixent amb


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Exploració i


De 12 a 15 anys


pel futur


De 15 a 17 anys
CreaNova Forma 1


Jornada de Portes Obertes

Inscripcions Obertes – Places Limitades
