Among the activities and events planned for the duration of the IV Science Week at CreaNova, there is one especially notable one, which is the SCIENCE FAIR!
However, in the fourth edition, the level has been very high and very high.
We have enabled two big sales: one for the exhibition of the works and experiments of the Science Fair and the other, the lloc has been developing different conferences on topics that are of interest to our students.
Commençant per les conferències: in Zac he has spoken of Astrophysics, from the smallest to the largest, in the mateixa manner that he has in Marc A, speaking of minerals; in Roger, of the Tesla coil and in Marc H, impressive-us with the measure of a hair with a laser! All of them have a great value: the ability to transmit such complex concepts and adapt them to different ages, according to the audience! We have seen the magic of the transmission of connections…it happened there that it is easy to explain!
In Room 1, the experiments and the works of all the stages and encapsulates the incredible geniuses of science (the students!), have also been spectacular: paste teeth for elephants!; volcanoes in full eruption; musical show with the Tesla coil; magical xocolata; incredible crystals; flexàgons, structures, ponts and other buildings, water filters; polarization; ous mysterious ones,… Who has visited the Fira, I didn't want to leave! Hem pogut veure, touch, taste, experiment...learn FENT!
You know who's going to comment? trending topic per part of our petits 'Einsteins' and 'Curies'? ““It is the most exciting week of the entire course!”
CONGRATULATIONS! and thanks to everyone for your initiatives, hope and joy! Sou JA uns petits-grans GENIS!
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