This week we attended the presentations and defenses of the Research Works of the 2nd year students of Batxillerat.
After any and a large amount of time, selection of the topic, study hypotheses, collection of information, presentation of the theoretical framework and the practical framework through field work, experiments, interviews and surveys, we concluded this process powerful gaudir of magnificent presentations.
Passing the initial nerves of the inn on stage, we see some people who are aware of the feina feta and are sure of the explanation of the results assolits, whether or not they are foreseen in the six initial hypotheses, with a well-founded critical perspective.
Neuromàrqueting, are they consciously deceived? Process of elaboration of 3D animations; Economic comparison Hong Kong vs Barcelona; Does being esquerrà mean being discriminated? What if you are color blind? PoS vs PoW on the blockchain; Computational thinking in the Primary classroom; Hospitality + COVID-19 = reinvent yourself or die; Who caused schizophrenia? DRONS…fins l'infinit i més enllà!; What is luxe, on, for whom?; Experiential photography: therapeutics and record; Bodybuilding sense cheating; Toxicology of plants; Climbing, gender analysis; …
The window of themes has been very diverse and the different areas of connection have been intertwined to create a solid argumentative theme that has left everyone proud at the level of assolits. Jordi, Otto, Martina, Ona, Mei, Oskar, Andrea, Arnau, Chloé, Gael, Óscar, Arnau, Sergio, Mark, Oriol, Abel, Martí and all the professors-tutors of the TdR.
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