CreaNova – Week of Letters and Literature

Setmana de les Lletres i la Literatura - Sant Jordi - 2021 - Col·legi CreaNova Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)

In a no res ja we have passed another Week of Letters and Literature to CreaNova! 

Sant Jordi ens has marked this literary finale with the possibility of sharing books and roses with each other.

With a constant array of virtuality and presence we have gone back to the era of Shakespeare, remember to Cervantes but we have also traveled to the origins of cuneiform symbols and how they have evolved towards their current characters.
The visit of les writers Marta Carrasco (children's literature) and Isabel de Río (youth literature) They have embraced more the magic of reading, imagination and adventures.

[ngg src=»galleries» ids=»52″ display=»basic_thumbnail»]We can recover books from home because we can have one of many opportunities to create a system of exchange of '2nd hand market'.

The legend of Sant Jordi It has covered castles, walls, defense systems and the manufacture of spectacular models simulating the visit of the knight and the seva trobada with the princess and the drac.
The rose has now allowed itself to work with fang, guix, robo, feltre and 'gominoles' that have endolcit the week…
The compositions and stories created have been 'published', each one of them, their own book and cosint the pages, just as it is fair abans!

[ngg src=»galleries» ids=»51″ display=»basic_thumbnail»]How much do you learn that you have contributed this week!
Gaudiu of the images and I discovered Cadascú's personal repte at the time of an 'extreme reading!'

[ngg src=»galleries» ids=»50″ display=»basic_thumbnail»]Per cert, would you know how to find a palindrom in Catalan, Spanish or English? I…could you represent a phrase feta sense paraules? This is your repte… Cheer up!


Infant Community

First steps

Infant Community

From 0 to 3 years


Discover and


From 3 to 10 years


Growing with


From 10 to 12 years old


Exploration and


From 12 to 15 years old


Ready to
the future


From 15 to 17 years old
CreaNova Forma 1


Open House Day

Open Registration – Limited Places
