CreaNova's Batxillerat students recognize different rewards and guardons

Els alumnes de Batxillerat de CreaNova reconeguts amb diferents premis i guardons - Col·legi CreaNova 2022

CreaNova is congratulated on this 21/22 course year because several 1st and 2nd year Batxillerat students have had an exceptional finish.

The first quarter is about to begin with the Menció d'Honor awarded to Jofré Faraudo, Oriol García, Mei Calaf (1st of Batx) and Guillem Faraudo (3rd of ESO) for their participation in the Hackathon proposed by the Boehringer company!

L'Otto Sebastián (1st of Bat) and Miki del Vas, Guillem Macià and l'Àlex Vives (2nd of Bat) have been finalists of the ESIC Junior Business Challenge between almost 2,000 students and more than 140 teams from all over the country. The experience has been very interesting and we are convinced that its project, the 'Dare to Care' app is one of the best proposals presented in competitions since it is aimed at young people so that they can provide emotional support that they need anonymously but There are assessors for many professionals so that we can manage the various emotions and feelings in these difficult and complex moments that have touched life and most importantly, the mature moment of uncertainty and fragility in which our adolescents are.

On the other hand, and in addition to the Research Treballs, highlighting the double recognition that our student Narcís Abella has rebutted in his treball 'A new frontier. The world's largest Rubik's cube'. The first reconneixement el va rebre from the Ramon Llull University with the distinguished IQS-URL -21st edition- in the Technology category; If the second reconnaissance has arrived from the UAB, it was communicated that the jury of the 19th Argó Award 2022 awarded by the Autonomous University of Barcelona In response to batxillerat research, chaired by Dr. Jordi Barbé, he has decided to save our student's work in the Technology category! You can check the work here:

It is truly a pleasure to be able to see the enthusiasm, interest, motivation, and dedication of each and every one of these students who can participate.

Thank you very much for your beauty, congratulations and CONGRATULATIONS!

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Infant Community

First steps

Infant Community

From 0 to 3 years


Discover and


From 3 to 10 years


Growing with


From 10 to 12 years old


Exploration and


From 12 to 15 years old


Ready to
the future


From 15 to 17 years old
CreaNova Forma 1


Open House Day

Open Registration – Limited Places
