CreaNova is a passeja for the green catifa of the FiC-CAT to Roda de Berà!

FiC-CAT Festival Internacional de Cinema en Català 2022 - Col·legi CreaNova

Here at CreaNova we want to donate value to the cinema workshop of the 4th ESO and Batxillerat students…

…dedicated a good part of his time to the elaboration of a short film under the direction of our professor, screenwriter and professional director Marc Carreté…do you know who wrote the results?

The short film “El nostre conte de la caputxeta” carried out by this group of ESO and Batxillerat students from the Cinema Workshop of the CreaNova school in Sant Cugat, has been included in the official selection of the FIC-CAT, International Festival of Cinema in Català, in the Centers Educatius section!!! The Workshop taught by santcugatenc scriptwriter and director Marc Carreté, has been held at CreaNova on a regular basis since four years, and is the first copy to present one of its students' work to a festival.

Once finished, we have an objective analysis, reviewing different technical and artistic aspects:

At the level of guidance, if we managed to explain what we wanted, or not, and who is the degree of satisfaction.

At a technical level, referring to the theoretical part, what types of pla hem fet serve, what camera positions and what movements. We relate both what we have in the classroom and the ABCs of cinematographic language.

We have also talked about what we will say and what the “selection” implies, so we understand that they have valued our feina very positively, and that it has meant a prize in itself!

He will soon be able to attend the event on June 10th to the morning during the in-person session for the educational and passing centers, with great cinema artists for the red cat and the photocall…totally an experience…unmissable!

Thank you Marc, thank you students for participating in this great event… CONGRATULATIONS!

Synopsis: Cèlia arrives at the school while the P3 teacher explains to her students the story of the Caputxeta Vermella.
Clicked here and… the master of the show!

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Infant Community

First steps

Infant Community

From 0 to 3 years


Discover and


From 3 to 10 years


Growing with


From 10 to 12 years old


Exploration and


From 12 to 15 years old


Ready to
the future


From 15 to 17 years old
CreaNova Forma 1


Open House Day

Open Registration – Limited Places
