Permaculture, CreaNova's metaproject!

Permacultura 2022 - Col·legi CreaNova

Starting from the principles of Permaculture, CreaNova has restructured part of the exterior area creating a project that involves everyone from 5 to 18 years. This type of project is what we call a 'metaproject'. 

What does Permaculture contribute? Here are some of the principles:

  • Abans de fer qualsevol other thing: observe.
  • Nature is our best teacher.
  • Tot (i tothom!) hi contribueix.
  • Have patience: be encouraged and observe.
  • Multiple functions for each element and multiple elements for each function.
  • We continue to be able to see the world in the hypothetical chaos and chaos in the world.
  • The solution is within the problem.
  • Patterns: nature seeks to optimize the vora between systems.

Some objects:

  • Connect students with nature.
  • Create awareness in our environment.
  • Be able to identify the needs and desires of the group.
  • Help students learn to triage and create meaningful and assolible objects.
  • I will learn to compost.
  • See the practical knowledge of the concepts acquired: mathematics-measuring, leveling, mapping, etc.
  • Promote healthy lifestyles.
  • Develop a sense of responsibility related to lifestyle and its effect on our environment.


Observant, assessing the necessities and objectives, planning, using the available materials, is working towards a sustainable system that involves profiting from what we have (e.g. fresh water, leftover food, recycled whip) to treure'n the maximum part possible: vegetables, hortalisses, herbes, flowers, etc.
After some months of hard work on this project, the students (and adults) of CreaNova are filled with joy, motivation and are very proud of the results as well, and are both very excited to continue in the best way possible.

We have mentioned some of the vegetables on our amanides menu: raves and broquil!
A special thanks to Marketa, the mother of Matyas and Sebastian, who is helping in every way imaginable as far as possible!
Thank you Moya for leading the project and Kendra and Ivana for transmitting all of your experience and connection to our adolescents!

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Infant Community

First steps

Infant Community

From 0 to 3 years


Discover and


From 3 to 10 years


Growing with


From 10 to 12 years old


Exploration and


From 12 to 15 years old


Ready to
the future


From 15 to 17 years old
CreaNova Forma 1


Open House Day

Open Registration – Limited Places
