Aquest dissabte February 11 we spent a nice morning everyone together.
More than 40 families interested in the innovative Educational Project offered by CreaNova have been able to see 'in situ' in the countries who invite you to learn, I will deepen and understand better what women and how women are thanks to the explanations of the management and the professor who has atès qualsevol dubte that I have learned and, above all, to be able to talk and ask them for the latest details. CreaNova families who have not volgut will miss this opportunity and show the gratitude and pride that they feel twenty to their children and girls, our students, aprenent fent and llaurant, together, this way so meravellós d'indagació and curiositat, consolidant them There are strategies and strategies necessary to adapt to the world in which we live.
This morning has been completed with various interventions and explanations from some of our students who have participated voluntarily, with both enthusiasm and a great feeling of belonging to CreaNova.
Thank you families and especially to the school's teaching team and students Adeen, Mati, Maya, Zanhiya, Alba and Inca for your invaluable collaboration!
If you have the desire to connect with our project…we will not lose them Postes Obertes de l'11 de març. Aim-you-hi just with one click!
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